Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Webcast: Windows Azure Relational Data Architecture

Tomorrow (Wed 5/11/11) I'll be giving the third in Neudesic's series of public webcasts on Windows Azure architecture. This month's webcast is on Windows Azure Relational Data.

In this webcast Windows Azure MVP and author David Pallmann will discuss the architecture of SQL Azure, the area of the Windows Azure platform responsible for providing relational database capabilities. You’ll learn how SQL Azure is similar to SQL Server in some respects and different in others, and what that means for developers and DBAs. In addition to SQL Azure Database we'll also discuss the upcoming SQL Azure services currently in preview--SQL Azure Reporting, SQL Azure Data Sync, and SQL Azure OData--as well as the Windows Azure DataMarket service. The session will include a survey of relational data design patterns.


Windows Azure Relational Data Architecture Webcast
Wed., May 11, 2011
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time

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