Monday, October 31, 2011

Adventures in HTML5: An HTML5 Canvas Ticker

For my third experiment in JavaScript, I created a ticker that you could use to scroll stock information, news, or pretty much any textual content that has a label and a value. It looks like this and animates by scrolling to the left in a loop,. You can see a running version here. All the source is right there in the page, and there's a full listing at the end of this post as well.
I considered using CSS animation for this, but as it is not supported sufficiently in the widestream browsers yet I decided to go with HTML5 canvas and JavaScript. Let's start by looking at the HTML. In the body, we define a canvas named "tape" within a div container named "ticker". The canvas should be set to twice the width it needs to be for the widest size you expect to run it in--that's because we do some repetition of content in order to smoothly scroll it continuously.
<div id="ticker" style="width:1920px">
    <canvas id="tape" width="4096" height="40">Your browser doesn't support canvas</canvas>
A small amount of JavaScript in the onload event starts the ticker running with data--an array of objects each with a Symbol and Value property.
<body onload="OnLoad();">

<div id="ticker" style="width:1920px">
    <canvas id="tape" width="4096" height="40">Your browser doesn't support canvas</canvas>


    function OnLoad() {
        var items = [];
        items.push({ Symbol: 'AAA', Value: '1' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'BBB', Value: '22' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'CCC', Value: '3.3' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'DDD', Value: '44 1/4' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'EEE', Value: '5,000' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'FFF', Value: '-66' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'GGG', Value: '700' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'HHH', Value: '88' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'III', Value: '9999' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'JJJ', Value: '10' });
        Ticker("ticker", "tape", items);

In the JavaScript, there is a Ticker function that starts off the ticker, a MoveTicker function that continues the animation based on a timer, and a TickerState object that maintains housekeeping information for the animation between calls to MoveTicker.
In Ticker, the first order of business is to write out the symbols and values in the data array that was passed in. This is done, as many times as needed, to fill the canvas for the target width. That allows scrolling that looks smooth, even if the data doesn't fully fit the ticker width, and the animation can be reset back to its starting point without any visual roughage. Ticker's final act is to start a timer to call MoveTicker. The interval affects the scolling speed: 10 is fast, 50 is medium, 100 is slow.
In MoveTicker, we use CSS to move the ticker left--specifically by decrementing the canvas left margin(which is negative throughout) and counter-adjusting the ticker tape rectangle with CSS clip. This creates the illusion of a ticker rectangle that does not appear to move but has content that does. Once a full set of the data has been slid off the left of the screen, it is reset back to the starting offset. MoveTicker then sets a timer again so it will be called over and over. The result is a gliding ticker tape.
    var TickerState = {
        canvas: undefined,
        ctx: undefined,
        tickerX: 0,
        dataWidth: 0,
        interval: 10 /* Fast: 10 Medium: 50 Slow: 100 */

    function Ticker(divId, canvasId, items) {

        ticker = document.getElementById(divId);
        maxWidth = parseInt(;

        TickerState.canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
        TickerState.ctx = TickerState.canvas.getContext('2d');

        TickerState.ctx.font = "20px sans-serif";
        TickerState.ctx.font = "20px Nova Flat, 20px sans-serif";
        TickerState.ctx.textAlign = "left";

        var x = 10;
        var y = 20;

        var firstTime = true;
        while (x < maxWidth * 4) {

            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

                TickerState.ctx.fillStyle = "Blue";
                TickerState.ctx.fillText(items[i].Symbol, x, y);
                x += TickerState.ctx.measureText(items[i].Symbol).width;

                TickerState.ctx.fillStyle = "Green";
                TickerState.ctx.fillText(items[i].Value, x, y + 10);
                x += TickerState.ctx.measureText(items[i].Value).width;
                x += 10 + 6;

            if (firstTime) {
                TickerState.dataWidth = x;
                firstTime = false;

        setTimeout(MoveTicker, TickerState.interval);

    function MoveTicker() {

        TickerState.tickerX += 1;

        if (TickerState.tickerX >= TickerState.dataWidth) {
            TickerState.tickerX = 10;
        } = "-" + TickerState.tickerX.toString() + "px"; = "rect(0px " + (maxWidth + TickerState.tickerX).toString() + "px 40px -" + TickerState.tickerX.toString() + "px)";

        setTimeout(MoveTicker, TickerState.interval);
Here's the HTML page in its entirety:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">


    #ticker {
        font-family: 'Nova Flat', cursive;
        font-size: 20px;

    #tape {
        font-family: 'Nova Flat', cursive;
        font-size: 20px;
        position: absolute; 
        clip: rect(0px 2048px 40px 0px); 
        vertical-align: top; 
        margin-left: 0px; 
        background-color: LightYellow;


    var TickerState = {
        canvas: undefined,
        ctx: undefined,
        tickerX: 0,
        dataWidth: 0,
        interval: 10 /* Fast: 10 Medium: 50 Slow: 100 */

    function Ticker(divId, canvasId, items) {

        ticker = document.getElementById(divId);
        maxWidth = parseInt(;

        TickerState.canvas = document.getElementById(canvasId);
        TickerState.ctx = TickerState.canvas.getContext('2d');

        TickerState.ctx.font = "20px sans-serif";
        TickerState.ctx.font = "20px Nova Flat, 20px sans-serif";
        TickerState.ctx.textAlign = "left";

        var x = 10;
        var y = 20;

        var firstTime = true;
        while (x < maxWidth * 4) {

            for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

                TickerState.ctx.fillStyle = "Blue";
                TickerState.ctx.fillText(items[i].Symbol, x, y);
                x += TickerState.ctx.measureText(items[i].Symbol).width;

                TickerState.ctx.fillStyle = "Green";
                TickerState.ctx.fillText(items[i].Value, x, y + 10);
                x += TickerState.ctx.measureText(items[i].Value).width;
                x += 10 + 6;

            if (firstTime) {
                TickerState.dataWidth = x;
                firstTime = false;

        setTimeout(MoveTicker, TickerState.interval);

    function MoveTicker() {

        TickerState.tickerX += 1;

        if (TickerState.tickerX >= TickerState.dataWidth) {
            TickerState.tickerX = 10;
        } = "-" + TickerState.tickerX.toString() + "px"; = "rect(0px " + (maxWidth + TickerState.tickerX).toString() + "px 40px -" + TickerState.tickerX.toString() + "px)";

        setTimeout(MoveTicker, TickerState.interval);

<body onload="OnLoad();">

<div id="ticker" style="width:1920px">
    <canvas id="tape" width="4096" height="40">Your browser doesn't support canvas</canvas>

&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp;<br />


    var loaded = false;

    function OnLoad() {
        loaded = true;
        var items = [];
        items.push({ Symbol: 'AAA', Value: '1' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'BBB', Value: '22' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'CCC', Value: '3.3' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'DDD', Value: '44 1/4' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'EEE', Value: '5,000' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'FFF', Value: '-66' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'GGG', Value: '700' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'HHH', Value: '88' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'III', Value: '9999' });
        items.push({ Symbol: 'JJJ', Value: '10' });
        Ticker("ticker", "tape", items);


Monday, October 24, 2011

Adventures in HTML5: Bouncy Bar Chart

Today I'm sharing a bar chart I recently built in JavaScript using HTML5 canvas. You can see a demo here (simple bar chart, multiple bar charts) and download the code here. Below I walk through the steps I went through to create this.

I'm learning JavaScript right now, and I recently shared my first JavaScript program of any consequence, a doomsday counter. This is my second JavaScript program. I time-boxed this experiment to one day (and spent a few additional hours afterward making the code pretty for this post).I was pleasantly surprised to see how much I was able to accomplish in one day. As I get more comfortable with JavaScript, I'm starting to look past the rough edge in the language and appreciate its good points. I'm sure my code technique still reflects a beginner, but as I learn more from Pluralsight courses and books like JavaScript: The Good Parts and use tools like jslint I'm getting there.

Inspiration: Jelly Charts

My inspiration for this bar chart control is a very cool online chart demo done in Silverlight I found a few years back called RichardZ's Jelly Charts. They are remarkable--highly animated and responsive, they render on the screen with a bouncy, cascading effect that is mesmerizing and addictive. Unfortunately as far as I cacn determine no source or binaries or available, but now that I'm going deep on HTML5 this provided an opportunity to create something similar. So that was my mission, to essentially match Jelly Bar in HTML5 canvas and JavaScript.

Step 1: Basic Canvas Drawing

The first thing I needed to do was get acquainted with HTML5 canvas and basic operations like drawing a line or a rectangle. The HTML5 canvas feature allows you to declare one or more elements in your HTML page, which JavaScript can then render graphics to using methods like fillRect to draw a rectangle. A good introduction to the basics of canvas and other HTML5 features can be found on

Step 2: Calculations and Drawing

With some basic canvas skills it was time to write the code to do the math and draw it. Plotting axis lines, tick marks, and bars. Straightforward, but a lot of work to allow the caller flexibility of canvas size and range of values.

Step 3: Gradients & Text on Canvas

As I got the basic elements drawn it was time to master more subtleties including gradient colors and text on canvas and font control. It was easy enough to find online examples of what I needed, though in the back of my head I was wondering if I shouldn't be leveraging CSS for some of this--I need to learn more about whether there is a way to apply CSS to canvas elements. For now, it's done in the JavaScript--but the ultimate result does allow the caller to control things like colors and fonts. I also added ability to specify a chart title, column titles for the X-axis, and value labels for the bars.

Step 4: Dynamic Resizing

A chart control isn't much use unless the caller can control its size as well as the web user being able to resize their browser window. Although my work so far had not made any assumptions about canvas size or value ranges, more code would be needed to dynamically redraw the chart if the browser window was resized. I found I could use code like this in my HTML page to resize the canvas in response to a browser resize. Although this sort of worked, the browser would sometimes add scroll bars; to counter this I ended up reloading the page on resize and then dynamically sizing the canvas and drawing the chart. Not ideal, but it does work.

Step 5: Fluid Bar Animation

One of the most attractive things about the Jelly Charts are their animation. The Jelly Bar has a vertical bounce effect where the bar is drawn up, higher than its resting height, and then bounces down into position. It also draws the bars left to right with a slight delay so that there is a cascading effect horizontally. While I didn't quite equal this effect in my one-day experiment, I was able to approximate it. I used a timer to draw the bar up to an exagerrated height, and then to lower it to its correct height.

Step 6: Object Parameters & Multiple Charts

In my initial prototyping I just had a sea of global and local variables; to make the chart something useful it would need to be tidied up so that it could be easily called, controlled by the caller, and allow for multiple charts. Using JavaScript objects took care of that problem. The caller registers a chart by calling BarChart(chart) in the JavaScript library, where chart is a Chart object that includes the canvas Id to render the chart to. Charts tend to have a lot of parameters, so intelligent defaulting of chart values was an important part of this work.

Step 7: Multiple Series and Customization

If we're supporting mutliple charts, we might as well support multiple series within a bar chart too. Now Chart.bars is an array of series, where each series is an array of bar objects. I also added customization of colors, and the ability to have a transparent background in case you wanted an iamge or some other background controlled by the HTML/CSS (2-chart demo).

Step 8: Hover & Highlighting

The Jelly Bar allows you to hover over a bar and highlight it in a different color, and I also wanted to create this behavior in my edition. This gave me an opportunity to learn about mouse events. I added a mousemove event listener for the canvas of each registered chart, and also maintain a "hit list" of rendered bars. In response to a mouse move, I scan the mouse coordinates against the hit list to see if the mouse is over a bar. If we have moved over a bar (or off a bar we were previously over), the bar is either highlighted in a different color or restored respectively.

Well, there we are--not bad for a day's work. It seems to work well across mainstream browsers as well as tablets and phones though I can see I need to do some thinking about adjusting the rendering animation speed for various devices and display sizes. I had fun doing this and am finding a promising increase in velocity as I continue to work on my mastery of JavaScript and all things HTML5. Links to the code and demos are at top.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Cloud Gourmet 30-Minute Meal: Simple Database Migration to SQL Azure

Bonjour and welcome again to The Cloud Gourmet with Chef Az-ure-D.

Today we have another “30 minute meal” recipe for Windows Azure. This time we will move a simple database into the cloud. For databases that meet our criteria, this is a “piece of cake”.

I must emphasize we are talking about simple databases: large or complex databases will certainly take more than 30 minutes; some take weeks! Below we are specific about the criteria for an easy migration.

Of course we often think of a database as just one tier of a complete solution, but this is not always the case. Sometimes a database on its own is a valued asset, such as reference data that many consume for different reasons. Even if you do need to migrate a complete solution, this recipe can be of use, because it is often the best approach to migrate the data first and then the application code.

To illustrate the steps of the migration, we will use the AdventureWorksLT database from Microsoft. If you wish to practice using the same data, you can obtain it here.

Recipe: Migrating a Simple SQL Server Database to SQL Azure in 30 Minutes

Databases on the Windows Azure platform are hosted by the SQL Azure Database service, available in sizes from 1-50GB at a cost of $9.99/GB/month plus bandwidth charges. SQL Azure is very similar to SQL Server and uses the same protocol (TDS) and programming model. You can work with SQL Azure databases using both the familiar SQL Server Management Studio tool (2008 R2 edition) and the SQL Azure section of the Windows Azure Management Portal.


An excellent tool for migrating SQL Server databases to SQL Azure is the SQL Azure Migration Wizard. We will use this tool to analyze, revise, and migrate the schema and data from an on-premise database to a cloud database. Nothing we will do will modify the source database in any way.

There are 5 steps we will perform:

1. Create a SQL Azure Database Server
2. Create a SQL Azure Database
3. Migrate the Database
4. Review SQL Azure Database in SSMS
5. Review SQL Azure Database in Portal

Databases come in all sizes and complexities. The majority of the world’s databases are small in size and simple in nature. Database products come in all sizes and complexities too. Check that you meet the criteria below before using this recipe.


Migrations to SQL Azure are smoothest and fastest when the following are true:

SQL Server Database. Your starting point database should be in SQL Server or SQL Server Express, preferably a recent version like 2008 or 2008 R2. If this is not the case, you can expect a longer migration time and you may have to work through feature differences. If you are migrating from a different database product or a very old version of SQL Server, it is recommended you “stage” your migration by moving your database over to SQL Server 2008 R2 first, and then up into the cloud on SQL Azure.
Small Database. Database size matters in migrations for several reasons. First of all, there is an upper size limit for a SQL Azure Database (currently 50GB); if your database is larger, then you will need to partition into multiple databases. Second, large data takes a long time to transmit (days perhaps) and you are more likely to be encountering occasional communication failures during upload. If you measure your database size in megabytes, this 30-minute recipe is for you. If you are dealing with gigabytes of data, you can still use this recipe but expect to spend one or more days migrating and you may want to employ the services of an expert.
Simple Database. A simple database is one that is mostly about the data. Complex databases are those that depend on database server features which may extend the migration time or pose barriers to migration. Use of features like constraints, granular security, or stored procedures are often fine but can sometimes pose complications. Features like Windows authentication, SQL Agent jobs, replication, full text search, XML indexing, distributed transactions, and transparent data encryption are not available yet in SQL Azure.


1  SQL Server database meeting the above criteria

You Will Need:

• A Windows Azure subscription
• The SQL Azure Migration Wizard.


Step 1: Create a SQL Azure Database Server

In this step you will create a SQL Azure database server using the Windows Azure management portal.

Note: if you have already created a SQL Azure database server, proceed to Step 2.

1A. In a large bowl.. .er, I mean In a web browser, go to the Windows Azure portal.

1B. Navigate to the Database category on the lower left.

1C. Select a subscription on the upper left.

1D. Click the Create button in the Server toolbar. A dialog appears.

1E. Specify the data center locale where you want to create your database server and click Next.

1F. Now specify a name you would like to use for an Administrator, along with a strong password. Record the administrator name and password for safekeeping. Again click Next.

Note: it’s possible to change the password in the future, but not the admin name.

1G. Finally, you will be prompted to set firewall rules. In order to access the database we will need to add a firewall rule.

  A. Check the Allow other Windows Azure services to access this server checkbox.
  B.Click Add.
  C. Enter a rule name.
  D. Enter a starting and ending IP address. You can either specify your own IP (shown in the dialog), or some other range. If you want to allow access for all, you can specify through
  E. Click OK and Finish to close the dialogs.

1H. A database server will soon appear in the main area of the Windows Azure portal. You will need to capture the server name, which is auto-generated and cryptic. In our example, it is b7e77waic7. Your name will be different.

So far we have created a database server (It is actually multiple servers, but this single virtual server name fits the SQL Server connection string model). The next step will be to create a database on that server.

Step 2: Create a SQL Azure Database

In this step you will create a database on the database server you created in Step 1.

2A. In the Windows Azure portal, select your database server.

2B. Click the Create button in the Database toolbar. A dialog appears.

2C. Specify (and record) a name for your database, and select an edition/size sufficient for your database. The Web edition offers 1/5GB sizes and the Business edition 10/20/30/40/50GB. Then click OK.

2D. Verify the database was created by finding it and selecting it in the outline at upper left. Notice that in addition to your database the database server also contains a master database.

Now that we have created our cloud database, we can begin the migration.

Step 3: Migrate the Database

In this step you will use the SQL Azure Migration Wizard to migrate your SQL Server database to the SQL Azure database created in Step 2.

3A. Launch the SQL Azure Migration Wizard and select the Analyze and Migrate / SQL Database option. Then click Next.

3B. In the Connect to Server dialog that appears, specify your source database server and authentication credentials as described below. Then click Connect.

Server name: Here you must specify server-name or server-name\instance-name. If you are running full SQL Server on your local machine and using the default SQL Server instance, just leave the setting to its default of localhost. If you are running SQL Server Express on your local machine, you are most likely using the .\SQLEXPRESS instance.
Authentication: Your source database may be set up for Windows authentication or SQL authentication. Select the appropriate option. For SQL authentication, also enter your username and password credentials.
Database. Leave this at its default value of Master DB. This will cause the databases to be listed for you on the next screen.

3C. On the next screen (Select Source), select your database and click Next.

3D. On the Choose Objects dialog, leave the default of Script all database objects and click Next.

3E. On the Script Wizard Summary dialog, make no changes and click Next. When prompted Ready to generate SQL script?, click Yes.

3F. When the Results Summary dialog appears, review the report content fully to see if there are any problems. You may also use the Save button to save a copy of the report.

In the case of the AdventureworksLT sample database we are using to illustrate this recipe, there is a problem noted in the report for the ProductionDescriptionsSchemaCollection table: XML Schema Collections are currently not supported in SQL Azure. This means our source database is using an unsupported feature in this one table. In our case we are unconcerned and decide to proceed without that one table. If you encounter errors, you will need to evaluate how serious they are and what action you should take about them. Note that it is possible in Step 3D earlier to specify which database objects are and are not included in the migration.

3G. If you have chosen after reading the report to proceed with the migration, click Next. A Connect to Server dialog appears. Otherwise click Exit and you will need to work on resolving your issues.

3H. Specify the information below to connect to the SQL Azure database you created earlier in Steps 1 and 2. Then click Next.

Server name: Specify the server name in the form where SERVER is the generated database server name from Step 1H (b7e77waic7 in our example).
Authentication: Specify Use a specific user ID and password
User name: Specify an administrator username in the form USERNAME@SERVER where the administrator user name is the administration name you made up in Step 1F and the server name is the generated database server name from Step 1H (chefazured@b7e77waic7 in our example).
Password: Specify the administrator password from Step 1F.
Database: Select the Specify Database option and specify the name of the database you created in Step 2C (adventureworks in our example).

3I. On the Setup Target Server Connection dialog, confirm the database name is correct and click Next. When prompted to Execute script against destination server?, click Yes.

3J. Now sit back as the database is migrated. The running report will show you what is happening, including errors and remedial actions. Just how long this takes depends on the size of your database and the quality of your Internet connection.

3K. When the processing completed, you’ll see Processing finished on the bottom of the report. Review the report and decide if you think the migration was successful. You can save this report with the Save button if you wish. Then click Exit.

The last thing to do is confirm the database migration was successful. You can do this with SQL Server Management Studio (Step 4) or the Windows Azure Portal (Step 5).

Step 4: Review SQL Azure Database in SSMS (Optional)

In this step you will confirm your database was successful migrated to the cloud by accessing it with SQL Server Management Studio. You need the 2008 R2 edition of SSMS for this.

4A. Launch SQL Server Management Studio. The Connect to Server dialog appears.

4B. In the Connect to Server dialog, specify the connection information below:

Server name: the generated server name from Step 1H.
Authentication: SQL Server Authentication.
Login: The login name from Step 1F.
Password: the password from Step 1F.
Remember password: check if you don’t want to have to re-enter this info.
Options / Connect to Database: click the Options button and enter the database name from Step 2C under Connect to Database.

4C.Click Connect to connect to the database. If it fails, check the following:

• Did you create your database server?
• Did you create your database?
• Are you specifying the correct database server name in the right format?
• Are you specifying the correct admin username and password?
• Did you specify the database name on the Connection Properties tab?
• Are there any extraneous leading or trailing spaces in what you entered?
• Does your firewall prevent port 4133 (which SSMS required).

4D. Now inspect your database, start by expanding the SSMS outline at left and ensuring the tables you expect to be present are there.

4E. Perform some SELECT queries to ensure the data looks right. Do tables contain the number of rows you expect? Does table data look like you expect?

Step 5: Review SQL Azure Database in Portal (Optional)

This step is optional. If you would also like to see your data in the SQL Azure Portal, or if you were unable to use SSMS in Step 4, follow these steps:

5A. In the Windows Azure Management Portal, return to the Database area where you were working in Steps 1 and 2.

5B. Select your database on the outline and left and click the Manage button in the Database toolbar.

5C. In the sign-in dialog, specify the administrator username and password from Step 1F. Then click Log on.

5D. Click Tables at left and the database tables will be listed. Confirm the tables you expect are all there.

5E. Select a table you want to view. Click the Data icon to view its data, or the Design icon to view its design.

Concluding Remarks

Congratulations, you were magnificent! Vous avez été magnifiques! I am very proud of you.

I very much hope that your migration went well. If you ran into complications, if the souffle did not rise, do not depair. You must appreciate that not all database migrations are simple affairs. For help you can make avail of the excellent online guidance, support forums, community blogging, and perhaps consider obtaining help from an experienced consultant.