Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How to be a Consultant, Part 6: Effective Presentation Content

This is Part 6 of a series on what it takes to be an effective computer consultant. In this post we’ll be discussing the creation of presentation content.

Whether you’re presenting to a small group of stakeholders in a board room or addressing a large audience at a conference, you’ll need to know some things in order to be an effective presenter. We’ve already covered verbal communication skills in our last installment; today we’ll consider the content you will likely be creating to accompany your presentation.
A presentation could be nothing more than you speaking, but it’s much more common to have some accompanying visual aids. In the older days, that might have been a chart or concept diagram. Today, it means slide content, which is most frequently created and rendered with Microsoft PowerPoint (or a similar tool like Keynote). Slide content can include text and/or media (images, video, audio). This is a subject full of strong opinions, so prepare yourself for some controversy!

Pervasive PowerPoint
PowerPoint is pervasive: just as Kleenex is synonymous with tissue, PowerPoint is synonymous with slide content. If you hear someone say they “hate PowerPoint”, they most likely mean they hate slide presentations in general rather than the tool itself (which is quite powerful).

Obviously, slide content can vary in quality depending on the author: blaming PowerPoint for a bad presentation is like blaming a kitchen for a poorly-prepared meal. With that said, we’ll be stuck with using “PowerPoint” interchangeably with “ presentation content” because that’s the common usage.

To PowerPoint or Not to PowerPoint: That is the Question
As we mentioned earlier, presentation content is an extremely controversial subject. While PowerPoint is very popular overall, make no mistake: some people absolutely hate it—or more accurately, they are opposed to electronic presentation content. If you do an online search for “you should never use PowerPoint” you’ll get something on the order of 15,000 results!

Why do some people hate PowerPoint presentations so much? If you peruse the results you’ll see reasons like these offered:
• You might have nothing to go with if there’s an equipment mishap.
• Overly long slide content bores the audience unlike conversation which can take turns in direction.
• PowerPoint is just a way for poor speakers to remember what to say instead of memorizing it.
• Some people relate much better to your narrative than to your visuals (different learning styles).
• Poor presentation content is rampant, and results in an excruciating experience for audiences.
In my  opinion, it’s the last point—not using PowerPoint effectively—that’s at the heart of the “don’t use PowerPoint” movement (humorously illustrated here). That doesn’t make tools like PowerPoint bad, any more than bad font and layout choices make word processors bad.

Bad Presentations: What to Avoid
Here are some things to avoid in your presentation content:

1.  “Slideuments”
2. Typos and Grammatical Errors
3. Poor Layout, Color, and Font Choices
4. Overdoing it
5. Lack of Consistency
6. Matching visual content and spoken content word for word
7. Not accommodating different learning styles
8. Failing to realize what you don't do well

Bad #1: Slideuments
A “slideument” is an overloaded presentation where the slides are stuffed with so much content that it resembles a document more than a presentation. Cramming all the information you can into your slides will render them incomprehensibly dense. It’s too much for the audience to absorb and usually results in small-size text with little white space. Remember, you can always provide a link to a follow-up resource such as a document or web site that provides more detail. Here’s a slideument slide example:

Example of a Slideument

DON’T turn your content into a “slideument” by overloading it.
DO think about the highlights or take-aways you want your audience to remember.

Bad #2: Typos and Grammatical Errors
There’s no easier way to cast doubt on yourself than to have sloppy slides that you haven’t checked for typographical and grammatical errors. Also check for repeated words or omitted words, and incomplete sentences.

Example of Typos and Grammatical Errors
DON’T use content publicly you haven’t screened for proper grammar and spelling.
DO pay attention to PowerPoint warnings and have someone else proofread your content.

Bad #3: Horrendous Layout, Color and Styling
Poor layout and style choices will paint you as an amateur. Good layout and strategic use of white space can set a presentation apart, but that cuts both ways. Odd choices of typefaces and font size are rarely gong to work in your favor.

For a presentation in a meeting room, font sizes under 14pt should be avoided: smaller text is hard for many people with older eyes to read. In a conference setting you don’t’ even want to go that small as some people are likely a sizeable distance from the display.
It’s amazing how many otherwise good presentations are defeated solely due to the choice of color, killing any chance of the audience making out the content. Avoid light on light (such as yellow text on a white background) or dark on dark (such as dark grey on a black background): go for contrast.

If you don’t have strong sensibilities in this area, find a good-looking template and stick to it like glue.

Example of Poor Layout and Font Choices
DON’T use sloppy or abnormal layout, fonts, or colors.
DO use a template or content author with sensible layout, fonts, and color choices.


Bad #4: Overdoing It
There are oodles of perfectly good features you can use in a PowerPoint presentation that are fine as long as you don’t over-use them or intermix too many different kinds. This applies to text effects, image effects, and animations. Be especially careful not to over-use transition animations: a little goes a long way! You’ve probably seen home videos made on a computer where the person doing the editing decided to use a different transition method between every scene (fading, wiping, closing circle, etc.): was the result an enhancement to the content or a distraction? ‘nuff said. Restraint and subtlety are the watchwords of every good content author.

Example of Using Overly-Fancy Transition "Vortex"

DON’T over-use effects that distract from your content rather than enhancing it.
DO exercise restraint and subtlety in your animations, transitions, and other effects.

Bad #5 Lack of Consistency

Consistency is a necessary ingredient in a successful presentation content: not using a consistent style for titles, bullet points, and so on throws people off and distracts from your content. In a consistent presentation, the audience quickly locks on to the style and looks past it to focus on the message.

Example of Inconsistent Use of Typeface and Size 
Bad #6: Matching Visual Content to Spoken Content Word for Word
Let’s be candid: depending on the speaker and the subject matter and the volume of information to be shared, you may or may not be able to remember everything you’re supposed to say. Go to a large audience setting like a conference and you’re doubly likely to become absent-minded right when it counts.

For this reason, a great many people put everything they need to say in their PowerPoint deck. The result is a word-for-word match between what’s on the screen and what’s being said. This is a very bad move: you need to convey more with less visually. The purpose of your slide content is to serve the audience, not the speaker.
Focus on key concepts and take-aways in your visuals, including important phrases, photos, or diagrams. Let a picture speak a thousand words. As long as you have the high-level reminders you should be able to recall the details; you can put the full content in the speaker notes, and then practice presenting until you have the details memorized.

Example of Word-for-Word Slide Content
DON’T use visual content as a teleprompter for the speaker.
DO design visual content to assist the audience in comprehension.

Bad #7: Not Accommodating Different Learning Styles
One reason some people object to slide content is, not everyone has the same learning style: some people are visually-oriented, some auditory, and some tactile in nature (whether they know it or not). Auditory learners would rather listen than watch, and if you can’t convey your message verbally they’re turned off by your reliance on something visual.

If you’re meeting with one person, you might tailor your means of communication to their preference (if you know it); when addressing a group, you should assume a mix of learning styles. When you have both visual and auditory people in the audience (the majority of the population), it’s vital that your presentation and narration work equally well so that you are simultaneously satisfying the visual people as well as the auditory people. Moreover, your visual and verbal content should not be identical: reading your slides word for word is likely to turn off the entire audience. Give the visual and verbal take-aways in the way most natural for each medium: for example, an engaging story you might tell verbally might need nothing more than a picture in its visual counterpart.

Make sure you are communicating with all kinds of people
DON’T rely on visual-only or verbal-only presentations.
DO communicate effectively to both the visual and auditory members of your audience.
Bad #8: Failing to Realize What You Don't Do Well
It's tempting to want to emulate techniques of other successful speakers, such as telling jokes or including great graphics. However, you should not do this if you don't do it well.

Everyone loves humor in a presentation. How much should you do? It depends on how well you do comedy. If you're a rock star, throw humor throughout your presentation. If you're okay in small doses, dole out an ice-breaker. If you're terrible at humor, stay away from it completely--or rely on purchased content such as a cartoon or humorous photo.

Likewise, graphics matter but don't create your own graphics if the result is amateurish-looking. Instead get help from a person or tool or online service. Seriously, it's better to leave it out if it isn't pristinely done.

The content author who knows their strengths and limitations gives the more effective presentation.

“The One True Path” to Effective PowerPoint Presentations: (multiple choice!)

Now that we know what not to do, what’s the right way to do an effective PowerPoint presentation? The good news is, there’s plenty of adivce online from people who have the answer; the bad news is, they don’t agree with each other! Depending on who you listen to, a perfect PowerPoint presentation uses one of these approaches (note the lack of agreement):

The Takahashi Method: slides contain a handful of words with very large text or an image, total number of slides is often 10 or less. The audience is forced to listen to the speaker since much of the content is not in the visuals.
The Lessig Method: slides contain just a short phrase, quotation, or image, delivered rapid-fire in sync with the speaking. The total number of slides may be quite large. The fast pace keeps the audience from becoming bored.
The Godin Method: slides complement the message with complementary visuals with striking images, bold text, contrasting colors.
The Monta Method: slides frequently contain questions that are posed to the audience, then answers are revealed after hearing audience guesses. The audience is kept engaged as participants.
The 10/20/30 Rule (Kawasaki Method): the 10/20/30 rule of PowerPoint is, 10 Slides, Delivered in 20 minutes, with on fonts smaller than 30-point type. It comes from a venture capitalist and has those kinds of presentations in mind.
Which is the right answer? There is no single best way, for the simple reason that venues, speakers, and audience are not all cut from the same mold. It should be obvious that one size does not fit all. What works best for one speaker isn’t necessary good for all speakers. Even the same speaker might use varying approaches depending on the subject matter, length of time, and type of audience.

Tips for a Superior PowerPoint Presentation
We’ve looked at mistakes to avoid and we’ve heard some different views on the best presentation techniques. Here are some PowerPoint crafting tips that help grab viewer attention, clearly communicate your information, and keep you in control. The list below is an aggregation of tips from several online sources (including Stephanie Krieger, Damon Brown) and myself.

1. Select or create a great theme
2. Use audio or video to convey your message more effectively

3. Use graphics to emphasize key points
4. Use animations and transitions wisely

5. Start by outlining your presentation
6. Use masters and layouts to save time and help get better results

7. If you’re doing hand-outs, consider differences between print and on-screen presentations
8. Use notes pages and handouts to help deliver the story

9. Keep file size manageable
10. Use the tools available to get it right the first time

11. Turn off (or manage) AutoCorrect layout options
12. Know exactly what your views will see.

13. Choose colors wisely, and remember that part of the population is color-blind.
14. Bullet points are easier to read than paragraphs

15. Pictures (and charts and diagrams) speak 1,000 words (if they’re good)
16. Practice giving your presentation (ideally to colleagues so you can get feedback)

17. Borrow from the best, and make it your own.

Examples of Great Presentations
Microsoft’s Scott Hanselman is a great presenter with effective slide content and lots of humor. You can view one of his conference session talks here. Notice how well he and his content work together.
TED presenters are often credited for presentation innovation and great effectiveness. Here are some examples of their presentation content. Though these may not be in the style that works best for you, you can still learn much from them.
Here are a few slides from the Thirst presentation to give you an idea of what effective presentation content looks like (no infringement intended, just paying homage).
Example Slides from an Effective Presentation

In Conclusion
If you’re a consultant, expect to be presenting in front of an audience at some point. It’s not difficult to develop good presentation content if you stay away from the common mistakes, emulate or develop a successful style, and work to gain some sensibilities. Your content needs to look good and it needs to be good.

Remember that your content is not the presentation: you are the presentation.


Mike Hamilton said...

Hanselman on Speaking.

Unknown said...

Hey david, You provided very informative and nice post on how to be a effective consultant. thanks for sharing your knowledge to us!
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